Aquaforest Ricco Food, 30g

Aquaforest Ricco Food, 30g


SKU: 5902026731652 Category:


Powdered Food for the Ricordea Family

Ricco Food is a balanced food source for mushroom polyps, Including Discosoma, Rhodactis and Ricordea species.

Corals require nutrients to thrive and grow, and Aquaforest takes that very seriously. They have designed a powder food source for mushrooms that is easy to use and will let your corals gain the necessary nutrients they require.


Prepare a small container and fill it with 20 mL (4 tsp) of aquarium water. Add 1 level measuring spoon (per 27 gallons) of Ricco Food to the container and mix for 1 minute. Pour the contents in the tank for broadcast feeding. Using a syringe or pipette the solution can be used for target feeding corals too.