Australian Flathead Perch
(Rainfordia opercularis)
Collection Depth: Captive Specimen. Wild Specimens: 2-40m
Care Level: Easy/ Intermediate
Maximum Length: 5-7″
Range: Raja Ampat Islands (Indonesia), Southern Indian Ocean (especially the Great Barrier Reef).
Temperament: Cryptic/ Shy. Intermediate, use caution with smaller gobies, dartfish, etc..
Diet: Meaty foods. We recommend LRS Reef Frenzy Nano, PE Calanus, Hikari Brine Shrimp, and high quality meaty frozen foods.
Coral Tank Compatibility: Safe with corals. Will eat smaller fish, ornamental shrimps, and clean up crew, such as small hermit crabs.
Aquarium Size: 40 gallons or greater.