Clownfish, Captive Bred Picasso Clownfish MD (Amphiprion ocellaris)

Clownfish, Captive Bred Picasso Clownfish MD (Amphiprion ocellaris)


Image Courtesy Of : Biota

Out of stock

SKU: AAE-000-00041 Category:


Picasso Clownfish MD
Amphiprion ocellaris

Collection Depth: Captive Specimens.  Wild Specimens: 5-45 ft

Care Level: Easy

Maximum Length: 4″

Range: Indo-West Pacific: eastern Indian Ocean including Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Thailand, Malaysia, and northwest Australia to Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines; ranges north to Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands.

Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

Diet: Meaty foods.  We recommend high quality meaty frozen foods, and high quality dried/ pellet foods.

Coral Tank Compatibility: Safe with corals.

Aquarium Size: 40 gallons or greater.