Vitamini Super Actinic LED Strip 72″ – No Arms

Vitamini Super Actinic LED Strip 72″ – No Arms




The newest in lighting power is here! Available and ready to go to their new homes.

Modular and hyper efficient – mix and match with any lighting system from Hydra, Illumagic and other major brands.  Simply use the included clips and attach them to your existing lighting system for added coverage and growth.

Hyper Blue, full UV spectrum. Great for growing SPS.

It will attach to Illumagic and other brands such as Hydras and other lights with exposed heat syncs.  Easy screw eyelets on each end allow for simple overhead attachment as well for canopy users.

UV/Violet/Royal Blue/Blue for Super Actinic Version
Please refer to the Vitamini output diagram

If your light is attached with fixed arms, you can add the Vitamini to one side only. If your light is suspended by a hanging kit,  you will need two Vitaminis (like “wings”), one on each side to keep the balance.